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When you make a purchase or attempt to make a purchase through the Site, we collect certain information from you. We refer to this information as “Order Information”, and may include:-


  • Name


  • Email


  • Billing Address


  • Shipping Address


  • Payment Information (including credit / debit card numbers)


  • Telephone Number


We use the Order Information that we collect generally to fulfil any orders placed through the Site (including processing your payment information, arranging for shipping, and providing you with invoices and/or order confirmations). Additionally, we use this Order Information to:

Communicate with you; Screen our orders for potential risk or fraud;

We will never sell your personal data. We will not share your personal data with any third parties without your prior consent (which you are free to withhold) except where we are required to do so by law or as set out in this privacy policy.


We may pass your personal data to third parties who are service providers, agents, subcontractors to us such as courier and parcel delivery services for the purposes of completing tasks and providing services to you on our behalf (e.g. to send you newsletter mailings). We do this for the purpose of our legitimate interests in operating our business and for performing our contract with you. However, we disclose only the personal data that is necessary for the third party to deliver the service. It is possible that third parties may themselves engage others (sub-processors) to process your data. Where this is the case third parties will be required to have contractual arrangements with their sub-processor(s) that ensure your information is kept secure and not used for their own purposes.



When you place an order through the Site, we will retain your Order Information for our records unless and until you ask us to delete this information.



When you submit a Contact Form submission, your Contact Form Information is retained within our email records unless and until you ask us to delete this information, or unless and until you ask us to delete this information.



When you subscribe to our Newsletter, your Email Marketing Information is retained for our records unless and until you ask us to delete this information.

When you unsubscribe from our Newsletter, your Email Marketing Information is retained periodically until a time we see fit to delete this information, or unless and until you ask us to delete this information.



We will not transfer your personal data outside the EU without your consent, under the circumstances as specified in this privacy policy.

We have implemented generally accepted standards of technology and operational security in order to protect personal data from loss, misuse, or unauthorised alteration or destruction.

Please note however that where you are transmitting information to us over the internet this can never be guaranteed to be 100% secure.

For any payments which we take from you online we will use a recognised online secure payment system.

We will notify you promptly in the event of any breach of your personal data which might expose you to serious risk.



Although we only look to include quality, safe and relevant external links, users are advised to adopt a policy of caution before clicking any external web links mentioned throughout this website. (External links are clickable text / banner / image links to other websites.

We cannot guarantee or verify the contents of any externally linked website despite our best efforts. Users should therefore note they click on external links at their own risk and we cannot be held liable for any damages or implications caused by visiting any external links mentioned.



Under the GDPR, if you are a European resident, you have the right to access personal information we hold about you and to ask that your personal information be corrected, updated, or deleted. If you would like to exercise this right, please contact us through the contact information below.

Additionally, if you are a European resident, we note that we are processing your information in order to fulfil contracts we might have with you (for example if you make an order through the Site), or otherwise to pursue our legitimate business interests listed above.

We may update this privacy policy from time to time in order to reflect, for example, changes to our practices or for other operational, legal or regulatory reasons.



For more information about our privacy practices, if you have questions, or if you would like to make a complaint, please contact us using the Contact /Info page.


Bonesboy Antiques © January 2024

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